Phase 1 – Check!

I’m SO thrilled (and amazed) that we get to make this book together!

It’s really miraculous that we 1) reached our goal, and 2) have a traditional publishing company interested in a children’s book written by a first-time author with no platform. I was talking with my editor, and I keep feeling more amazed that God is working everything out! I’ll have to write a blog post about some of the behind-the-scenes happenings. I really believe God has a plan for this book, and He seems quite capable of moving mountains in order to bring it to life!

THANK YOU for supporting this book! Phase 1 is done–now Ian has a lot of work to do in a short time (Phase 2), and then we’ll send it to the printing press (Phase 3), and then you’ll have it this Fall (Happiest Phase)!

Blessings on each of you! I’ll be in touch! If you have questions, feel free to ask them!

We have an Advent Storybook Page on Facebook, the book website (, and our current author website (